Orders Not Showing

Did your orders stop showing in Bump KDS even though you didn't change your settings or workflow?

Since Bump is a cloud solution, these are the main reasons you may temporarily not see orders.

  1. Check Wifi and Network

Check the Wifi on both your Square POS and Bump devices.

If the wifi is off or weak, the orders won't show. You may want to restart your router or devices.

Then in Bump Settings -> Preferences, click "Create a test order." If the test order shows in Bump, your wifi is connected on the Bump device.

If you don't see the test order, we suggest to contact your internet provider.

2. Log out and in again

  1. In Bump KDS, click Settings -> Sign Out.

  2. If you installed Bump as an app icon, delete the Bump app icon from your device.

  3. Clear your browser cache.

(For Chrome, follow these instructions https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/32050?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en)

(For Safari follow these instructions https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201265)

  1. Go to https://bumpkds.com in Safari or Chrome. Sign in with Square.

  2. 6. Do a test order in Square POS to see if it shows in Bump.

3. Check Your Routing

  1. Go to Bump Settings -> Routing.

  2. Turn on "Route all items to this station."

3.Do an order in Square and mark it paid in cash. Check if the order shows in Bump.

4. Try a different device

You can use unlimited devices with Bump. To make sure there isn't a device issue, you can log into https://bumpkds.com on a different phone, tablet, or desktop in Safari or Chrome.

5.Make sure the order is marked paid in Square POS

Currently Square sends orders to the KDS after they are marked as paid. They are working on adding open ticket support. Make sure the order is marked as paid in Square.

6.Make sure you are logged into the right location

If you have multiple locations, you may have logged into a different one.

1. Make sure your Square POS is connected to the same location as Bump.

2. To change the location you are logged into in Bump, click Settings in the bottom left. Then Sign Out.

3.If you installed Bump as an app icon, delete the Bump app icon from your device.

4.Clear your browser cache.

(For Chrome, follow these instructions https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/32050?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en)

(For Safari follow these instructions https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201265)

5. Go to https://bumpkds.com in Safari or Chrome. Log in. If you want to save Bump as an app, visit this page.

6. Do a test order in Square POS to see if it shows in Bump.

7.Google Cloud may be temporarily down

If you went through the steps above and still aren't seeing your orders, Google Cloud may be temporarily down. When this happens Google resolves it as quickly as possible.