Customize Your Theme

Bump lets you customize the look and feel of your KDS. For example, you can change the colors and the amount of orders you see on a page. This guide will walk through each of the theme customizations you can do.

If you still have a question after going through the guide please email

How to Change Your Theme

  1. Click the Settings gear in the bottom right, then click Theme in the top right.

  2. Make any changes you'd like, then click Back to save your changes.

For properties that are colors, you can use this hexademical finder to find the hexadecimal code.

How To Restore The Default Theme

  1. Click the Settings gear in the bottom right, then click Theme in the top right.

  2. Click Reset in the top right to restore the original theme.


1. For customizations related to color, use this hexademical finder to find the right color.

2. If a theme type is not in this guide, you shouldn't change it.

Bump Layout Overview

Theme Customization Types

App Screen Background

What It Is: This is the background for the main part of Bump, including any unselected order.

Example 1: blue

Example 2: #FFFFFF

App Screen Separator Colors

What It Is: This defines the size and color of the spaces between orders. The example belows results in a green separator that is 2px thick.

Example: 2px solid #0eed16

App Screen Top Padding

What It Is: This adds space at the top of Bump. It must be in pixels (px).

Example 1: 0

Example 2: 50px

App Screen Number of Rows

What It Is: How many rows of orders show on each page.

Example: 2

App Screen Number of Columns

What It Is: How many columns of orders show on each page.

Example: 4

Footer Height

What It Is: This is the height of the footer. It must be in pixels (px).

Example: 68px

Footer Background

What It Is: This is the background color of the footer.

Example: purple

Footer Button Font-size

What It Is: This changes the size of the footer buttons. 10px or 20px is recommended.

Example: 20px

Settings Button Background Color

What It Is: This is the background color for the settings button in the bottom left.

Example: green

Bump Bar Default Buttons Color

What It Is: This is the background color for the filter button and left and right arrows that go to different pages.

Example: blue

Bump Bar Default Buttons Clicked Color

What It Is: This color will flash on a button right after it's pressed to show the touch was received.

Example: yellow

Bump Bar Pagination Block

What It Is: This is the background for the button that shows what page you are on.

Example: black

Chit Border When Selected

What It Is: This is the border around the selected order. You can set the width in pixels and color.

Example: 4px solid orange

Chit Background When Selected

What It Is: This is the background color of the selected order.

Example: blue

Chit Base Font

What It Is: This changes the font of any text.

Example: Arial

Chit Base Font Size

What It Is: This is the text font size in pixels (px).

Example: 18px

Chit Base Font Color

What It Is: This changes the color of order details text.

Example: white

Chit Item Name Font Weight

What It Is: This changes the weight of the item names. This should be a number between 400 and 900.

Example: 400

Chit Item Modifier Color

What It Is: This changes the font color of item modifiers.

Example: red

Chit Item Modifier Padding Left

What It Is: This changes the padding to the left of a modifier. This should be a number in pixels (px).

Example: 20px

Chit Item Modifier Font Size

What It Is: The font size of modifiers. Should be in pixels (px)

Example: 16px

Chit Item Quantity x Sign

What It Is: The color of the X sign next to the item quantity

Example: grey

Chit Item Complete (Done) Color

What It Is: This is the color an item will be in the Expeditor station when marked as done in other stations.

Example: green

Chit Overflow Message Color

What It Is: This is the color of the notification when there is more text that is not visible in an item.

Example: black

Chit Overflow Message Background

What It Is: This is the color of the notification background when there is more text that is not visible in an item.

Example: purple

Chit Overflow Message Height

What It Is: This is the height of the notification when there is more text that is not visible in an item. This should be in pixels (px).

Example: 20px

Chit Overflow Message Bottom

What It Is: This is the space below the notification when there is more text that is not visible in an item.

Example: 0

Chit Overflow Message Font Size

What It Is: This is the font size in the notification when there is more text that is not visible in an item.

Example: 14px

Recall Button Background

What It Is: This is the color of the recall button background.

Example: grey

Bump Button Background

What It Is: This is the color of the bump button background.

Example: yellow

More Details Button Background

What It Is: This is the color of the more details button background.

Example: red

Bump Button Width

What It Is: This is the width of the Bump button, in pixels (px).

Example: 200px

Chit Header Info Color

What It Is: This is the background color of the order header for unselected orders.

Example: green

Chit Header Warning Color

What It Is: This is the color of order header for orders with a warning.

Example: #ffc04d

Chit Header Alert Color

What It Is: This is the color of order header for orders with an alert.

Example: red

Show The Notes For Items (none=hide / block=show)

What It Is: This toggle determines whether to show item notes. Must be none or block

Example 1: none

Example 2: block

Chit Item Notes Color

What It Is: This is the color of item notes.

Example: red

Chit Item Notes Padding Left

What It Is: The padding to the left of item notes. Must be in pixels (px).

Example: 20px

Chit Item Notes Font Size

What It Is: This is the font size for item notes. Must be in pixels (px)

Example: 18px